Saturday, June 01, 2024

Assemble the official version 1 Elegoo Penguin-Bot Arduino Robot KIT Step 6: Install The Arduino Control Board

 Couple of years ago I received another Cool Penguin-Bot Arduino Robot KIT from Elegoo donated for the Visuino development :-). Unfortunately due to health issues, and work on Visuino, I was not able to finish posting all the assembly videos at the time :-(.

Finally now I have a chance to post all the remaining videos.

This is the Final Production Version of the Robot. I already posted videos for the Preproduction version, and now here is the first assembly video of the production version.

I already posted:
Unboxing Video 
Step 1:  Assemble The Feet, and Install the Servos controlling them
Step 2: Assemble The Legs - Part 1
Step 3: Assemble The Legs - Part 2
Step 5: Install The Legs

Here is the sixth Install The Arduino Control Board

I am preparing the rest of the Assembly videos and will post them in the following days. I also have showed programming the Robot with Visuino and controlling it from Delphi Application:
Controlling Visuino Programmed Arduino Robots from Delphi Apps


#Visuino #Arduino #Elegoo #Robot #PenguinBot

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