I already posted the Assembly Videos:
Unboxing video
Step 1: Installing the Motors and Attaching the Wheels
Step 2: Installing The Boards And Sensors
Step 3: Assemble the Ultrasonic Ranger mount, and install the Ultrasonic Ranger on it
Step 4: Installing the Servo, the Ultrasonic Ranger, and the Battery Box
Step 5: Connecting the Motor Driver Board and the Battery Box Cables
Step 6: Connecting the Sensors, Servo, Buzzer, Button, and Turn Signal LEDs to the Sensor Shield on top of the Arduino UNO
Step 7: Installing The LED Lights and Turn Signals
Step 8: Installing The Infrared Remote Receiver
Step 9: Installing The HC-06 Bluetooth Module
Step 10: Charge and Install The Batteries
Step 11: Program the Arduino with Visuino to Center The Servo
Now it is time to show you how to program the robot.
Here is the first video on: Programming the robot with Visuino to control the motors.
As shown in the Video, the original wiring of the robot has a small limitation, and does not allow speed control on one side of the Robot, when using the Arduino Servo Library.
Here is the remapping needed to fix this problem:
Original Arduino Board pin mapping with the Arduino Servo library conflict:
Remapped Arduino Board pin mapping compatible with the Arduino Servo library:
Original Sensor Shield pin mapping with the Arduino Servo library conflict:
Remapped Sensor Shield pin mapping compatible with the Arduino Servo library: