Friday, November 01, 2019

The Visuino Kitchen surrounded by Wind, Fire, Power Outages, and DC-10 Air Tankers flyovers

     Hello friends,

For the last couple of weeks there have been very strong winds in our area, and there were a lot of fires. The power was cut of multiple times, and the last outage lasted over 34 H.
To keep us entertained while without power, we had quite a show... DC-10 tankers flying over the house, and dropping fire retardant couple of miles away :-)
At some point they were doing a drop every few minutes.
They finally succeeded to get it under control and the wind subsided late yesterday.
The power was restored around 8PM.

Special thanks to all the Firefighters, and the pilots of the Air Tankers.
They risk their lives every day to save us !!!

Here are few short videos combined from some of the DC-10 flyovers and drops:

And pictures from the fire:

On the positive side, the power outage gave me time to organize and clean the Visuino Kitchen, so it looks tidier than ever, although as you can see from the pictures, I am already working on the next batch of modules waiting to be supported, so it will not stay like that much longer  :-D :

Hopefully the fire season is very much over, so and there will not be any other power outages, so I can keep working on the Visuino development, as well as growing the Delphi Libraries :-)


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