After months of hard work on the new Visuino design, I finally have found time to post the second assembly video of the cool Pre-Production Balancing Arduino Robot KIT that the great people from Elegoo sent me last year.
And here is the second assembly video: Assemble the Breakout Board - Install the Arduino, the MPU6050 Accelerometer Gyroscope, the Motor Driver, and the Bluetooth LE HC-08 module
I have already added support for the Robot in Visuino, and you can program it any way you want:
I am working to post the rest of the assembly videos and will try to make some Visuino video tutorials on self balancing robots, so stay tuned.
As you can see from the pictures the modules are of very fine quality, and I can assure you that they look really great!
I am in the final stages of preparing Visuino for a release after months of work on the new design. There will be a lot of exciting announcements, and surprises in the coming few days, so stay tuned!
As soon as the release is out, I will start work on the newly arrived modules, adding support for them in Visuino, and plan to post videos of the controllers, and some tutorials on how to program them with Visuino.