In the previous articles I introduced you to many of the cool features of VideoLab, playing filtering and morphing videos. I also showed you how you can create cool video effects and animate them with AnimationLab. I even showed you how you can render InstrumentLab gauges, and clocks inside the video.
Those are just few of the VideoLab capabilities. VideoLab not only can render visual instruments inside the video, but also can display video inside visual instruments, Scope or Waterfall components. It can even render videos in bitmap type elements, such as buttons in the Scope or Waterfall, or even on the surface of 3D shapes such as Round Cube.
In the article I used the latest VideoLab, and InstrumentLab, features, added recently. They are not available in the official VideoLab, and InstrumentLab release yet, so if you want to follow the article, you should download and install the latest prerelease that I posted recently here:
You can get the magazine from the Blaise Pascal Magazine website here.
Here are some pages from the article:
Please enjoy :-)
I am already working on the next Article, so stay tuned ;-)
#Delphi #OpenWire