Thursday, December 22, 2011

The promissed birthday surprise :-). - the first 64 bit installs for Delphi

Hi folks,

Here is the birthday surprise, I promised :-).
The first 64 bit prerelease installs for all of the libraries, and a compatible version of the OpenWire Editor:

The libraries contain 64 bit support both for VCL and FireMonkey.

At the moment there are two known problems. The NeuralNetwork throws floating point exception during training in 64 bit mode. I have already fixed the problem, and it will be included in the next build.
The DirectShow video player does not seem to generate proper OnStop event in 64 bit mode, and as result the Loop mode is not working and the video transition demo has problems.
I will be working to fix this bug as well.

Please remember. This installs are for early adopters only. These are the very first 64 bit installs and other problems are very likely to be in them. We are testing them extensively, and expect to find more issues.
We do not recommend using the 64 bit versions without extensive testing first!

Have great Holidays!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Birthday again :-)

Hi folks,

Well it is this time of the year again, and it is my Birthday :-) .
And again I am working to cook a small surprise for you, so stay tuned for it ;-) .
I have hoped to have it ready earlier, but there ware some issues. Hopefully it will be ready in 2-3 hours, and I will post again :-) .


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Connecting to remote DirectShow Graph in 64 bit Windows 7

Hi folks,

Ever since I upgraded to 64 bit Windows 7, I have not been able to connect to remote 32 bit DirectShow graphs from GraphEdit :-( . Well... not any more :-) . Thanks to one of my customers, who unveiled the secret :-) . It turns out there is a DLL provided in the Microsoft SDK that is not registered during the install of the SDK.
To enable the functionality copy the 32 bit version of the proppage.dll from the SDK (in the 7.1 version of the SDK in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin ) to the Windows\SysWOW64 directory.
Then run the:
regsvr32.exe proppage.dll

after that you will be able to connect to the registered DirectShow graphs from GraphEdit.
