Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Upcomming support for Delphi XE2 and FireMonkey

Hi all,

I am finally allowed to announce the upcoming support for Delphi XE2 and FireMonkey :-).
I will post more information as soon as I am allowed to.
All I can say is that I have been really impressed by what I have seen from Delphi XE2 and the awesome power of the FireMonkey . We finally can build 64 bit applications, crossplatform applications and even Mobile applications in native code, with 2D and 3D skinnable user interface, as easy as it was building VCL applications in the past.

This is simply awesome!

Delphi XE2 is with no doubt the most important Delphi release in its entire history, probably even bigger than Delphi 1 was when it was introduced (If you remember those days :-D ).



Yogi Yang said...

The live data thing seems to be same what you have been propelling all these years under the name 'Open Wire'!

mitov said...

Hi Yogi,

Thank you!
I am not sure what you mean? The OpenWire is a free open source library that can be used by anybody to develop VCL components.
I also have developed the free IGDI+ library for Delphi.
We also have commercial products that we sell, and they use both OpenWire and IGDI+. I really don't understand what you mean by this comment.

With best regards,

Boian Mitov