Thursday, November 12, 2009

ITDevCon day 2

Hi folks,

Ohhhh boy... It this conference a great fun!
The second day is just kicking in, and I am in the Pawel Glowacki's session on "Delphi Natural Input". Although I have seen sessions on the subject before, Pawel is a great speaker, and being at his session is a real joy.
We also visited Verona after the sessions last night. We went there from 8 PM to midnight. The city obviously has a great night life, and it is very beautiful. I hopefully will have chance to see it at daytime, and make better pictures than the poor night time ones I did with my cameta. Hopefully I will have something to post here :-) .
The Italian people a great! They are very friendly, and I had a lot of joy. It is also great to be able to drink real Italian coffe again, and have real Italian pizza :-) .
I will be doing 3 sessions today. The good news is that there will be at least one gap, and they are not completely one after another. Yestarday after 2 sessions back to back I was exausted :-D . The Italian wine we had after the sessions however surely helped me recover fast :-D .

Ok... Time to focus back on the sessions. More to come later.



Unknown said...

Nice to have met you here in Italy!

mitov said...

Thank you Giacomo :-) !