Monday, June 07, 2021

Just published my new "Delphi Dynamic Type Info (Creating Components in Runtime?)" article in the Blaise Pascal Magazine :-)

  Hello everyone,

For the last few months, I have been working hard on a new revolutionary Delphi technology, that I call Dynamic Type Info. It extends the RTTI allowing you to create new data types at runtime similarly to dynamic languages such as Java Script and Python, effectively allowing Delphi to compete head to head with them :-) .

I made the new technology part of the free Mitov.Rintime Delphi library available here:

In the same timeframe, I also rewrote the Visuino from the ground up to use the new technology, and yesterday made a the official release of the new design.

Thanks to DTI most of the Visuino components are now defined in easy to edit plain text files, and are available as Open Source here:

To commemorate the new technology, I also wrote a new article in the Blaise Pascal Magazine showing you how you can use the new technology in your Delphi projects.

The article is now available here:

You can download the source code of the project in the article here:

I hope you will enjoy it, and use the new Dynamic Type Info functionality in your Delphi project :-)
I am already working on the next Article, so stay tuned ;-)

  Boian Mitov

#Delphi #OpenWire #DynamicTypeInfo