Thursday, January 21, 2016

The second Visuino article from the Blaise Pascal magazine is now publicly available

With the permission of the Blaise Pascal Magazine editor, I am posting as PDF the second of the Visuino articles that I published last year.

In this article you will learn how you can communicate over serial port between Delphi and Arduino with the help of Visuino.

In the coming days, I will post the rest of the articles.
There are a lot more great resources in the magazine, and I recommend you to check it out.
I will be posting more articles in the magazine, and although they may get released here at some later point, you can get them from the magazine right away!

Enjoy! :-)

#Arduino #Visuino #Delphi

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The first Visuino article from the Blaise Pascal magazine is now publicly available

Last year I published 4 articles on Visuino in the Blaise Pascal Magazine.
Now with the permission of the magazine editor, I have posted the first of them here as a PDF file.

In the coming days, I will post the others as well.
There are a lot more great resources in the magazine, and I recommend you to check it out.
I will be posting more articles in the magazine, and although they may get released here at some later point, you can get them from the magazine right away!

Enjoy! :-)

#Arduino #Visuino