Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Version 5.0.3 released. Including new .NET OpenWire Editor

  Dear Customers,

We are proud to announce the official 5.0.3 release of all of the libraries.
This release includes Embarcadero RAD XE3, and Visual Studio 2012.
It also includes much improved OpenWire Visual Live Bindings, as well as a new .NET OpenWire Editor Plug-In for Visual Studio 2010, and 2012 .
There are a lot of improvements in the OpenWire Editor both for RAD Studio and Visual Studio. Those include zooming, and preview panel.
You can learn more about the new OpenWire Editor here:

The product downloads are available on the download page:

The most notable new feature is the new VST 2.X support in AudioLab. There are also number of new components added to AudioLab and VideoLab as well as improvements in VisionLab.

I hope you will enjoy the new version :-) .

With best regards,
Boian Mitov