Saturday, May 26, 2012

OpenWire Editor for Visual Studio .NET

Hi Folks,

For a while the Delphi and C++ Builder users of our products have been able to enjoy the power of the OpenWire Editor, both in VCL and FireMonkey.
We are however glad to announce that we are hard at work on a .NET version for Visual Studio 2010, and expect to have it available as Beta in the next couple of weeks :-) .
Here is a screenshot of the current development version. You can see that practically all of the core functionality is fully operational :-) :

I hope you will have a chance to enjoy it soon!
With best regards,
  Boian Mitov

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Adding VST support in AudioLab

    Hi folks,

We are finally adding VST support to AudioLab. Version 2.X support is mostly done and we are working on testing and improving it.
If you are interested in evaluating it, please contact me and I will send you installer with the crrent support.
Adding fully featured 2.4 support is surely uphill battle as anyone ever done VST probably can tell you :-D . Adding proper VSTXML support alone seems to take forever :-( . We are however fully committed to properly implementing it.
As soon as the 2.X support is finished, we will start working on the 3.X support.
With best regards,
  Boian Mitov