Monday, November 28, 2011

TBMSpinEdit and TBMDSpinEdit updated for Delphi, and C++ Builder XE and XE2 (including 64 bit support)

Hi folks,

I have just updated the free open source TBMSpinEdit and TBMDSpinEdit to support Delphi and C++ Builder XE and XE2, including 64 bit.
You can download them here:


Sunday, November 20, 2011

The BMDThread component has been updated to support Delphi XE, and XE2

Hi folks,

I am back online in the new office, and I finally have found some time to update the BMDThread component to support Delphi XE and XE2.
You can download it from here:

I hope you will enjoy it!


Monday, November 14, 2011

On the move

Dear Customers,

We will be moving the office to a new location.
Unfortunately I will be offline probably until the weekend, and will not be able to answer e-mails during the move :-( .

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First FireMonkey Beta is available

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the first FireMonkey Beta version of our libraries - .
This is a Delphi XE2 Update 2 version only, and it included Windows only FireMonkey support.
We are already working to add MAC and iOS support in the near future.
Any customer who has purchased VCL version in less than a year from the FireMonkey release will get the FireMonkey version for free :-) .

I hope you will enjoy our first FireMonkey release!

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Visiting the Computer History Museum

Hi folks,

Over the weekend we had a chance to visit the Computer History Museum:

It is a must see! Especially while they have the Charles Babbage's Difference engine.
You can see me here marveling at it :-) :

You can also see Melody obviously enjoying the role of the "Mad Scientist" :-) :

Here she is only reaching to the knobs, obeying the "Do not touch" sign ;-) .

I greatly recommend you visiting the place. There is so much we have forgotten or simply never knew about the early days of computing!


Friday, November 04, 2011

Delphi XE2 Update 2 compatible installs

Dear Customers,

RAD Studio XE2 Update 2 introduced some major changes in the VCL and FireMonkey libraries. The changes made some of our products incompatible with it.
To address the problem we have just released updated special installers for RAD Studio XE2 Update 2.

You can download the new installers from here:

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Delphi XE2 Update 2 and FireMonkey

Hi Folks,

Embarcadero is working hard on rapidly improving Delphi XE2 and the FireMonkey support.
Unfortunately that comes with a price :-( . They just have released Update 2 and reportedly it introduces some big changes in the VCL and FireMonkey libraries. This requires our packages to be recompiled for Update 2 in order to be compatible.

We are working to make Update 2 compatible release in the next 2 days.

We are also working hard to make a FireMonkey version for Windows available probably sometime next week. We have all the packages ready, and are in process of creating the demos and the installs.

MAC, and iOS FireMonkey versions are also under way, and should become available soon!

All existing customers that have purchased or will purchase VCL version in less than 1 year before the FireMonkey version becomes available will get it for free! :-) .

With best regards,
Boian Mitov