I have just released the first version of all of the Mitov Software libraries for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder 12.3 Athens including the new 64 Bit IDE Support!
The libraries are available for download here:
Here is also a list of some of the major improvements and new features of the libraries:
- Added RAD Studio 12.3 Athens support
- Added support for the new 64 bit RAD Studio IDE
- Improved IGDIPlus image codecs support
- Added IGPMatrixStore.Restore method
- Added IGPGraphics.ForHDC
- Added IGPGraphics ForSavedRenderingOrigin, ForSavedCompositingMode, ForSavedCompositingQuality, ForSavedTextRenderingHint, ForSavedContrast, ForSavedInterpolationMode, ForSavedSmoothingMode, ForSavedPixelOffsetMode, ForSavedTransform, and ForSavedClip
- Added DivideBy, Bottom, and Right to TIGPRect and TIGPRectF
- Added TIGPFMXBitmap class
- Added TIGPFMXBitmapHelper, TIGPFMXGraphics, and TIGPFMXCanvasHelper class helpers
- Added ForGraphics to TIGPVclBitmapHelper, and TIGPVclCanvasHelper
- TJsonParser renamed to JsonParser
- Initial migration to using Make instead of Create class methods for creating interfaced objects
- Improved performance
- Added component name highlighting in the property editor
- Improved Sockets error handling
- Added option to pass multiple patterns to ForFiles
- Added support for hint images
- Improved 64 bit support
- Added support for paste multiple items
- Added ForNames and ReadAnyString to IReader
- Added IsConnectedByIDs with Set parameter
- Improved C++ Builder Win64x compatibility
- ClockPin renamed to ClockInputPin in some of the components
- Added IsConnected to the Socket and ComPort components
- Improved HEX editor
- Added Playing, CanPlay, and CanStart properties to TVLVideoPlayer
- Added OnPaint support for the VideoDisplays
With best regards,